Tuesday, February 17, 2009

First Alert Store Blog - Fire Prevention, Home Safety, Tundra, Onelink, Smoke Alarms, Fire Alarms

This is the home of the First Alert Store blog, created to raise public awareness of home safety issues, fire and home safety products, expand upon product features, provide home fire prevention and home safety tips and to accept questions about our smoke alarms, carbon monoxide detectors, Tundra Fire Extinguishing Spray, Onelink Wireless Talking Alarms and other home safety and fire prevention products. We will also discuss related current events and issues.

As the most trusted, recognized safety brand in America, we at First Alert Store realize that we are protecting what matters most. From children and family to your home, we design and create safety products that preserve and protect. We offer this blog to help educate you, raise awareness and promote a safer home for all.

Note: firstalertstore.blogspot.com is not affiliated with First Alert in any way.


  1. Fire prevention and safety is a very important part of owning a home and/or office. Each year more Americans die in a home fire than all natural disasters combined. With a stat like that, one can see how much fires can do. Property as well as lives are highly effected by fires, and safety precautions need to be taken to avoid such damage. A new product has been invented, a fire-prevention outlet. This fire-prevention outlet is able to detect abnormal heat with multiple sensors that are within the device. Once the heat is detected, the outlet disconnects, and an indicator pin pops out. A safety feature such as this not only saves lives, but it can also save you money on property damage.

  2. Another fire prevention tip is to have the electrical system of your house tested yearly. This fire prevention tip is especially important for those people living in older houses, the chance of a fire happening because of an electrical system short is much greater in an older house.

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